Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ugly Knitting Interference

So, no knitting at all yesterday and here's why. Caution, this is disgusting. I mean really bad. Have we ever told you about our "squirrels" in the attic that are living in our walls? (notice the use of quotation marks) They have now been identified at RATS. Coming up through the sewage line. Living in our walls. We are now officially at war. I spent all yesterday with Peter and the kids and the plumbers. Still no final resolution, but soon ...


Liz K. said...

My pacifist vegetarian friend, at war with the rats! If I weren;t so utterly grossed out and completely sympathetic, I would laugh! Blechhhhhh!

Mo said...

I think this is a war we all can support. SD was recently at war with mice. I also would have thought it was kind of amusing if I didn't keep finding mouse poop in my cloth napkins. Yick!