I am here to keep this blog from being only about bosoms.
Thanks for being so nice about it, but the issue with Tree Jacket's fit across the bust wasn't just the sweater. It really was my breasts, which were, in the very kinds words of StuntMother, a little too far south. So in the spirit of my all-time favorite "stand up straight!" comment from Minty, I have since properly adjusted my bra. Note the instant improvement!
But really, thanks for all your advice. Like, Tiennie, who said that I should cut and graft. Intriguing idea.
And Wendy, who suggested that I pin it up and see how I like it with the eyelets up higher. Great idea, Wendy, especially because I'm not sure its an improvement. See?
But I'm wondering if this is a sweater destined for loser-dom. This yarn is too beautiful to make into something I don't love and won't wear. So maybe it needs to be something else. An Hourglass Sweater? An Adult Tomten?
And really, since y'all are so generous with your opinions, please, tell me what you think.
Lovely as the mix of yarn and pattern is I think you have convinced me not to attempt this sweater. I am a fairly busty gal and I was also contemplating the placement of the garter/eyelet line for maximum flatter.
However, it just doesn't seem to work. I think your idea of extending the garter all the way to the waist (creating a sort of empire waist look, right) would probably work I can think of other things that might be nicer and easier to wear. For example a simple garter stitch or stockinette sweater.
If you love the idea of the spiraling eyelets (I know I do!) what about the Phyllo Yoked Pullover from Knitting Nature?
I'm sure whatever you decide will be lovely with that pretty pretty yarn!
It does look heaps better, but I am tempted to agree with Alli that perhaps this is a sweater for the boobless among us (who sometimes don't know how good they've got it). I wonder. I'm going to look at the original photo again.
OK, now I'm not sure. The girl is skinny, but not without endowments. I do think the original sweater looks much better with your bra doing its job, and I think that an unbroken expanse of garter right over the breasts might not be the right look either.t
Perhaps just two-three rows higher?
Oh this is not helpful. I'm going to get some wine and see if I feel inspired to do anything but sit on the couch and watch The Daily Show.
I also have to agree that this is a sweater for a flat-chested, narrow-shouldered woman. The garter stitch is so thick and heavy on top it just adds too much bulk on top. :(
I think the yarn would make a lovely hourglass sweater. I don't think the tree jacket looks bad on you, it's just not as flattering a pattern as you and the yarn deserve. It is beautiful yarn.
Look forward to learning what you decide.
I missed your last post, so I couldn't figure out what was going on with the picture of the cat and the comment about bosoms. Now that I've read both, I am laughing out loud...at myself, not you.
The picture where the garter was hitting right at your, um, outmost point I think was the most flattering look. So dropping the garter down another inch or so might make the eye go where it's supposed to.
Now that you mention hourglass; I really want to see the yarn in that. I think that the hourglass is such a flattering sweater, and the subtle variation in the color of that yarn would add such an elegance to it.
The yarn is beautiful, and if you have doubts about this sweater, rip and rip now! An adult Tomten will be beautiful and suit that yarn beautifully, IMHO. The hourglass sweater always seems to be a hit, and will give that yarn it's proper showcase.
The sweater does look better when you stand up straight and the yarn especially looks lovely in garter so your Tomtem and Hourglass sounds very nice right now.
I think your breasts are lovely. I especially like them in the adjusted-bra photo, and I think they look beautiful incased in garter stitch.
My opinion? I love the slouchy neck. I love the garter. I'd rip back to the garter and do the rest of the sweater in an hourglassy fitted garter. repeat the slouchy neck at the cuffs and call it beautiful.
I think the blend of garter and lace is meant to accentuate and enhance the bustline. yours is naturally enhanced so i think you should showcase it instead of hide it.
I didn't see the first post on this sweater, so I do not know of what southern residents you speak...but I am here to help you combat the fate of loser knits. Frog that bad boy, Liz. That yarn is too spectacular to waste away in a sweater that you know you want to rip now. My $ 0.02.
I could see frogging it, but I do agree with Curly Purly, garter down past the boobs and make it more fitted.
Yeah, okay, I see what you mean about it not really improving much. *big breath* Okay, I say rrrrrriiiippppp that bad girl. There has to be a pattern better suited to your "endowments!"
Yup. When you hoist the girls, it looks much better. LOL! Sorry it has to go.
Not to repeat what everyone else wrote but I like the yarn in garter better than the lace pattern - less stripey- it seems to have more depth to the colour.
I am for a total revamp of the pattern - possibly the hour glass.
I think the other commenters are right-- there's just too much attention to where on the bosom that line falls, and not enough on the yarn. And even if you can perfect where that line is placed, if that's all you notice every time you look at it, it's not as much of a victory.
nope, it's not you. it doesn't flatter your wonderful self.
rip away and turn the yarn into something gorgeous!
anne marie
I would find another yarn for this sweater and save that one for something you love absolutely.
Shite. I'm dealing with the exact same sweater and the exact same problems with the pattern. I had convinced myself that I could pull it off, but after reading the discussion here, I may have to do some serious ripping myself. poo.
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