Pattern: Fetching, Knitty Summer 2006
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, 2 skeins
Mods: I skipped the picot bind-off to preserve yarn, and still needed to buy a second ball. Argh! Luckily, a little stash diving turned up another ball of CA in cream, so I have a colorwork hat planned. Just in case you needed another reason to freakin' love your stash.
Pattern: simple 2x2 rib scarves, improvised
Yarn: Crystal Palace Labrador, about three skeins. I bought a bag of this yarn three or four years ago, when I still lived in Richmond, and after having many lives and several uses, I was tired of looking at it every time I opened the "wool" drawer of my stash dresser. I had enough for two of these scarves, so I made one for me and my sister.
Story: My sister, an all-around awesome gal, nascent knitter, and guest blogger at XRK, has had a pretty shitty week after having her apartment ripped off. While she was there, asleep in the next room. She deserved something special and new, after losing all her photos, her masters degree work, her carefully mapped out "life plan," and her wallet, not to mention her overall sense of security in her home. I am just so incredibly relieved that whatever asshole that took her stuff did not want to do harm to her. Because I could not live in a world without my sister.
I finished 10 projects during Single Skein September, and used up about 18 skeins of stash yarn. I am glad to have returned to some of these great yarns in my stash, but mostly, I am so happy to have finally knit some of these projects that have long been in the queue. I have a very peaceful relationship with my stash, and know that the longer that I knit, I will find a use for most of the yarn that's there. However SSS was a great exercise in focusing my energies on actively finding uses for those small quantities of yarn that lurk in the stash, rather than continue to be distracted by socks.
Of course, the sock distraction is returning with a vengeance in Socktober!